Freya Brisingamen, the Siren Queen, Captain of the Folkvangr 26 / 5'10" / Half-Elf (Moon) / Bard (Glamour) / Sailor / Chaotic Good

Captain Freya is a notorious pirate who travels up and down the Sword Coast, confounding marine law at every turn. They call her the "Siren Queen," as her crew always attacks with Freya's song at their backs, and it is said that ships on the sea can hear her singing before the Folkvangr appears. They have a confusing reputation; at times, hunting down rogue bands of raiders out of the Moonshae Isle, and others getting into skirmishes with the navy out of Baldur's Gate or Waterdeep. Despite the songs and tales innumerable, none seem to really know what it is she wants.

Nemesis Rhamnusia, 2nd Knight-Paladin of the Scarlet Sisterhood 31 / 6'2" / Human / Paladin (Vengeance) / Mercenary Veteran / Neutral Good

The Scarlet Sisterhood is a well-known mercenary company comprised mostly of veteran soldiers from a defunct unit of the Neverwinter Guard, discharged several years ago. All women, many of their number banded together under a desire to continue fighting and protecting others, eventually coming to use (and later worship) the Red Knight as their patron symbol. Knight-Paladin Rhamnusia is one of five de facto leaders in their organization, though she mostly works contracts alone. She's tough, devoted, and not very fun at parties, but a more loyal sister is rare to find.

Diana Lucifera, the Light-Bearer, Guardian of the Selene Wilds ?? / 5'8" / Eladrin (Spring) / Ranger (Hunter) / Feylost / Chaotic Neutral

There are many natural and untamed lands on the continent of Faerun, either due to their danger or acts of preservation, and the Selene Wilds are no exception. A tangled jungle of nature and magic, a forest near-parallel to the Feywild of myth. Children and adventurers are said to enter and never return, assumed to have fallen through the Material Plane and into the Fey Realm, though this is somehow preferable to the alternative -- violent death at the hands of a Faerie huntress, the forest guardian one should pray to never lay eyes on, for at least the end will be swift.

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